Monday, May 9, 2011

Horray for Moms

Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there! I hope you had a fun, relaxing, love-filled day.

The past week I've been gearing up for the holiday at a flower shop in Bellingham where I've worked on and off for many years. It was great to be back among old coworkers and the flowers, chatting, laughing, and getting creative with beautiful fragrant things.

While not working I also found time to make dinner with my sister, draw with my niece, run around Lake Padden, go square dancing, see a local play, check out new restaurants, see old friends, play Bananagrams at the bar, drink a lot of coffee, and dream about going to Italy.

On Sunday morning I worked for a few hours, made some corsages for the moms in my family, and high-tailed it back to Seattle for a late family lunch. It was a nice relaxing end to a hectic week, the best part of course being able to be with my mom. She is an amazing woman and one of my best friends, and I couldn't be more grateful for her presence in my life.

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